
Showing posts from September, 2018

Travel Outfits Recap: TAIWAN 2018

Before I travel from one place to another, I always make sure to research and check the weather beforehand. This will allow me to save time on packing and also, knowing what to pack means you'll be able to save more space for other stuff that you might want to bring along your trip. Months before our Taiwan trip, I've contacted my cousin (who's currently residing in Taiwan) to ask her bits and pieces about the country. For the weather, she told me that it can get as hot and humid like in Manila. I followed all my cousin's tips when visiting Taiwan. So, I've brought with me lightweight & breathable clothing pieces only. Take a look at all the pieces that I've donned from our Taiwan trip last May 2018. DAY 1 - ARRIVAL IN TAIPEI Choosing comfort over style on the first day, that is what I am every time I travel to another city or country. I always prefer to wear something very comfortable at the airport and during the flight. (I don't mind wearing PJs!) Wha

What I've Been Up to Lately?

Holla, welcome to the brand new Le Petite Wears! *I always say this whenever I go back to blogging. That's how inconsistent I am. Apologies!* This is actually my third serious attempt on establishing a blog and challenging myself (one more time) to balance my time properly. Can you tell how bad I am managing my own self? I think I need training for that. To create good content for your blog while having a job that requires you to work 8-10 hours a day for 5 to 6 days a week could be stressful. Not to mention the demanding boss' that you have: horrible! I couldn't be more amazed to all the bloggers out there who can do both without the need of giving up the things that they really like to do. But, removing my old blog/social media platforms wasn't only about because of "work". Yes, I've deleted my own blog and Facebook page. I even put my Twitter and Instagram profiles in private. There was actually a deeper or much more personal reason behind it. I thought